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Each and every student in Colorado is worthy of a high-quality education with the best teachers, best programming and curriculum, best facilities, and best opportunities possible. First and foremost, that requires equitable, adequate funding for all of our schools across the state, as well as funding that reflects the needs of each student.

Colorado students, parents, and community members want to ensure that all schools have the resources they need. Lawmakers are currently reviewing school funding proposals that could require taking up to $500 million per year from the State Education Fund, which is a limited, one-time funding source. Without an ongoing funding source, this sets Colorado school districts up to fall off a fiscal cliff in just 2-3 years. This proposal also includes short-sighted measures that would benefit some school districts, while hurting others. We know that taking from one underfunded school to give to another is irresponsible and in no way meets long-term funding needs. 

Changing the School Finance Act formula in this way will result in significant cuts to school districts across the state, including immediate layoffs, pay freezes, and cuts to services for students.

Lawmakers shouldn’t be in the business of picking winners and losers when it comes to Colorado kids’ education, but rather focus on fully funding all schools so all students can succeed.  

Please support equitable, adequate funding for all Colorado students and vote NO on HB-1448.

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