Kids Matter Too Calls on Lawmakers to Support a Bipartisan Deal to Provide $290 Million from Budget Surplus for Schools

With a projected budget surplus of $1.3 billion (give or take), Colorado lawmakers are deciding where to invest these resources. The Kids Matter Too effort has been a leading voice for investing this suplus in our schools.

We support the bipartisan effort to address funding of education, teacher compensation, and infrastructure needs of Colorado, which allocates an additional $290 million to go directly to schools.

This is a step in the right direction and we appreciate the lawmakers’ commitment to funding schools. Over the past two decades, Colorado’s schools have faced dramatics cuts and face a shortfall of more than $1.7 billion. It’s finally time to prioritize our students, teachers, and programs and invest in our state’s future.

The legislature has reached an agreement to split the money the following way:

  • $150M buy-down of the Budget Stabilization factor
  • $30M directly to rural schools
  • $110M teacher and school employee compensation support (PERA)

Earlier this week, the Colorado School Finance Project asked Colorado’s superintendents how they would spend any additional money their schools could receive this year. Answers ranged from investing in new science lab equipment to lowering class sizes for kindergarten. You can read more about how school districts responded here.

To learn more about this year’s budget discussions at the Capitol, read this Denver Post article.

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